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2022-2023 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results: 

2023 Kentucky State Assessment Results:

  Math Proficient Math Distinguished Reading Proficient Reading Distinguished
Elementary 44% 31% 30% 37%
Middle 32% 11% 33% 22%
High 26% 17% 36% 22%


Somerset Independent Schools
305 College Street
Somerset, Kentucky 42501

Tim Ham, Transportation Director

Aaron Mankin, Lead Bus Driver

Margaret Dick, Secretary

Inclement Weather Information:

WKYT              WLEX              WTVQ



2023-24 Science Hill Plan B Inclement Weather Plan

Students who live in Science Hill will be picked up at the Science Hill School at 7:30am (north entrance of the building).


2023-24 Somerset Plan B Inclement Weather Plan

The routes within the city district will run the regular schedule and route.